-----------------------------Installation Procedure:--------------------------------- This theme is created for my own amusement, and to spread a little happiness to people looking over my shoulder while I type. 1. Create a directory "c:\program files\plus!\themes\Dead Poets" 2. Unzip "Deadpoets.zip" into this directory 3. Move "Dead Poets.theme" into the parent directory "c:\program files\plus!\themes\". 4. Choose the Dead Poets theme in your themes control panel. There are some startup and shutdown screens here too. Backup the original startup and shut down screens, BEFORE copying the following files! 1. Copy "c:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes\Dead Poets\logo.sys" to "C:\logo.sys". 2. Copy "c:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes\Dead Poets\logow.sys" to "C:\windows\logow.sys". 3. Copy "c:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes\Dead Poets\logos.sys" to "C:\windows\logos.sys". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------